Have u ever had a man In your life that made such an impact that even almost three years after he passed away you quote him on a daily. When a situation arises... You think of how he would react or handle it ..You think of how he would tell you to react or handle it ... Listen.... I'm a female. We are known to overeact. Girlfriend is sensitive ...I'll be the first to tell ya.... But my Dad and Grandpa FX always said... "Never make an emotional decision" So I super try not to. I may cry and throw a mental fit... but then I pull my shiz together and handle it. Having men like this in your life tend to make you a thinker before you are a doer. You mentally abuse a situation before it even comes to light and u have it configured to a T by the time comes to deal with it. You fire on all eight cylinders. U don't miss a beat. Some times you pretend to miss a beat...Mostly because people hate know-it-alls.... Yet, sometimes you actually miss a beat... but then u smile and pretend you were kidding. #hairflip October 17, 2014, we lost Grandpa FX. A fella that called me " Faccia Bruta" my entire life.... I waltzed around thinking it meant "My favorite grandchild”, I found out at the age of 19, in Italian 101, that it actually meant "Ugly Face"… While most grandchildren would most likely be upset by this, I don’t think I’ve ever smiled bigger... He was a fella of many jokes & stories. Jokes I still tell today & still laugh as hard as ever... (usually while I’m telling them, which typically ruins the punchline) He was the best family man. He was our rock, our foundation. He was an amazing husband, father, friend, brother, grandfather, provider & businessman. There was nobody else like him. He would walk into the showroom, greet customers, walk to the lounge to pour them a cup of coffee.... but then sit down in the sales office and watch one of us scurry to serve him a hot cup of coffee. He was a passionate fella... for life, family, business, photography & cooking. He called money "medicine", he said it always made him feel better. He was a man who could literally buy one million brand new golf balls, but still made me tiptoe through the alligator infested ponds of the palm beach Florida golf courses to find the "free" ones that people "were too lazy to look for " ... Taught me to stamp ravioli, stuff cannolis, make homemade macaroni… I’d make him a dish, and he would tell me what it lacked…Most importantly, he taught me to always eat your french fries first because nobody is going to ask for a bite of your hamburger. Legit advice. Also, never forgetting the time he was speaking spanish in florida at the Hispanic market, evidently trying to marry me off to the owners grandson and they were all laughing histerically…but so was I, because I literally had no idea what they were talking about... I miss him. I miss him grabbing me by the back of the neck and pulling me in for a smooch on the cheek. I think of him everyday. I hear stories of him almost every day. How generous he was... How thoughtful he was...How he never forgot a name... Never missed a beat. Noticing how everyone has there own story of him... Their own memories of him. Always smiling while they share it with me. It tells me... it shows me... that I wasn't the only person that was over the moon for him. That I wasn't the only person that looked up to him.... finding I wasn't the only person that depended on him ... I visit his spot on average three times a week. Paying respects... chatting him up. Thanking him for this beautiful life. Asking him why the heck my meal the night prior turned out subpar... Remembering patting him on his perfectly hair-sprayed head... remembering his smile as he would swat my hand away. Tomorrow morning at 10 am... There is a a shot-gun start for what is now the Sacred Heart Foundation F.X. Caprara Memorial golf tournament .... A day where a Babillion of his closest friends come together to support a great cause that he was passionate about... While simultaneously remembering his amazing ways & spunk for life... Remembering him is simple. He is not someone you forget . Honoring him is rewarding. Smiling from memories is the greatest. But watching hundreds of others gather for a great cause in his memory is an absolute tribute to him. And that is exactly what a man like him deserves.